Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Adventures of the Determined Storyteller: Results

The Determined Storyteller was quite an imposing figure as she strode into the chasm, but not because she is larger than life or overly muscular. It was because she wore the Robes of Transformation and did not walk alone. There were angels and orbs and friends and other women who had come that way before her.

She finally reached the cave where first she had met and slain the monster that called itself cancer. There cowering in a darkened corner she found the thing that those dwelling near had called her to route. It was small but still it threatened. Suros, a new and stalwart friend came to the DS' side and together they pulled it from its hiding place. Three days they examined it, three days they questioned it and finally with less fight than fear it spoke in the tiniest voice "I am BENIGN."

And there was much rejoicing!

Monday, December 6, 2010

A New Chapter in the Adventures of the Determined Storyteller

The Determined Storyteller fought the monster that called itself cancer and won. But with the caveat that this monster has many faces and may return. Thus she has once more been called to the edge of the chasm. Those dwelling in the regions of the cave have called her to vigilance once more and she must face the darkened path in order to find the light of knowledge.

Today, the Determined Storyteller sits, legs crossed, deep in meditation as she prepares for her journey to the chasm tomorrow. She will take angels and orbs and the Blessed Sword but this time she will not leap into the chasm, so the Towel from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy will not be required. Instead she will walk with strength and power into the darkness wearing the Robes of Transformation she won in her last journey. And Deb, Laura, Deirdre, and Rannveiger will guide her. She is in good company.

It will be days of travel to the Pool of Knowledge and then the D.S. will see what journey is laid before her.