Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An Epic Hero's Journey: The Determined Storyteller in the Battle against the Cave Monster: the Chasm

It was a dark and stormy night. The Determined Storyteller, slayer of dust bunnies and clutter eliminator, traveled alone at the edge of a forbidding chasm. Summoning her unfathomable courage, she peered into the gaping darkness below. Truth was there, someplace below, someplace unreachable. Was it worth pursuing? Or was it better to wait until truth found her? Or would the chasm follow her forever? Others stood there before her. She felt their presence, Deidre, Mary, Laura, Debra, Leanne and countless others whose names she did not know. Some sought the truth, some feared it, and some chose to walk away and not to know. The D.S. questioned her own courage, her own need to seek the truth at all cost, and knew that if she did not seek it all who perished or fought in this place would not rest and would haunt her for ignoring their sacrifices. The D.S. knew that she must make the leap into the darkness to honor their lives.

She wondered, "What is in there? Will I get the answer I hope for? Or is something sinister waiting to devour me?"

There was only one way to find out. She did the only thing that could answer her question, the D.S. leapt.

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