Friday, February 26, 2010

An Epic Hero's Journey: The Determined Storyteller in the Battle against the Cave Monster: the Cave

In our last installment of The Determined Storyteller, our daring heroine leapt from the cliff into an unknown chasm. Armed only with a towel given to her by a stalwart friend, R.B. who claims it was the original towel from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the D.S. opened it as a parachute and glided easily to the chasm floor. Landing softly at the bottom, the D.S. found a place of astonishing roughness with little beauty to behold. Surrounded by steep cliff walls and barren growth that had tried to makes its way to the sun, the chasm stretched before her toward the mouth a darkened cave. A knot twisted in our heroine’s stomach as she realized that the leap of faith into the chasm was not the journey’s end but only its beginning. The cave, she knew, held the answers she sought, the truth she needed and feared at the same time, but it was dark and she did not wish to enter it alone.

The D.S. stood before the cave, tasting fear in her mouth and wondering if truth was worth the risk, when all at once a glimmer caught her eye. There among the rocks was a flash of something metallic, a shield. As the D.S. bent to pick it up she heard a voice within her head, "Your friends are behind you." Turning the D.S. saw a mighty throng of smiling faces, too many to count.

“You have no weapons?” she asked. Then she saw each friend carried a lit candle in one hand. She smiled, "Ah. You will help light the way."

And the Determined Storyteller set first one foot and then the other inside the cave. The journey had begun.

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