Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An Epic Hero's Journey: The Determined Storyteller in the Battle against the Cave Monster: the GateKeeper

Installment Three: The Gatekeeper

In the Determined Storyteller’s journey now begun in our last episode, she entered a mysterious dark cave without fear for the light of many friends who gathered around her lighted her way.
Entering the cave the DS was startled to find the Gatekeeper, the one who stands between all heroes and the quest. Neither male nor female but a cat of large proportions the Gatekeeper’s voice echoed from the cave walls.
"All who enter here must first pass me. I am here to help you but it will not be easy."

In one swift move the Gatekeeper’s mighty claw lashed out wounding our stalwart heroine and withdrawing blood and flesh. The DS felt a fury like no other and a will to strike back, only to have a gentle paw placed upon her sword hand.
“Strike me not oh Hero, for you have passed the first test. Those of us who have been sent to help you in your quest now know the path that opens before you. Save your fury for the monster you must slay.”
The Determined Storyteller wished to ask more questions but sensed that answers would be revealed not at this time, but later. She sheathed her sword.

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