Monday, April 12, 2010

Aftermath, Part III: An Epic Hero's Journey: The Determined Storyteller in the Battle against the Cave Monster

When last we saw the Determined Storyteller, she stood beside the healing pool with the great healer, The Edge. He revealed that she must yet pass a trial before she could be rid of the monster that lurked in the cave. She must traverse fire and lightening, but had a choice of whether the trial by fire was needed - a choice that many never receive, both a curse and a blessing.

Traveling a short distance to the tent of the Shah of Lightening, the DS learned from him what would take place in the cavern of lightening and that she would endure it five days a week for seven weeks. There would be no pain but probable serious risks and discomfort. Next she will visit the Levine of Fire. Always courageous but uncertain of her own strength, the Determined Storyteller entered Levine's hut, her faithful Angel Thomas by her side.

Will the DS endure fire or enter the cavern of lightening? Watch for the next installment of The Determined Storyteller, the Aftermath.

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