Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Aftermath, Part V: An Epic Hero's Journey: The Determined Storyteller in the Battle against the Cave Monster

"And the Determined Storyteller, knowing she would soon enter the chamber of lightening, cast forth an orb of light given her by the legends, and low the light covered her. A vision came to the DS and she knew she would emerge in the white garb of those who have been transformed. It would be only a little while before this would be reality."

We are nearing the end of this story my friends. The Determined Storyteller has made the leap of faith, fought and lost the battle to save her father, survived the battle against the monster that called itself Cancer (although the health system does not consider the battle over until the monster is vanquished for ten years). She will receive radiation treatments for six weeks and will go on with her life, I am sure to be called upon again for the strength and courage she has in apparent abundance.

When all of this began on January 29, 2010, neither the writer of this tale or the character of the DS, knew if she would find what was needed to move through and beyond this ordeal. It has been the journey of a lifetime and it is hoped the last of its kind.

This journey has followed the Hero's Journey format of reluctance and self-doubt on the part of the unwilling hero, the introduction of a problem and a villain, acceptance of the task along with finding the mentor and magic tools required to survive. The hero has met with set-backs and has been side-tracked on more than one occasion. When the hero emerges from this kind of experience the hero can not help but be changed in very real ways, but it can take years to fully realize and understand those changes. Unlike some hero's journey stories, the DS did not need to travel alone. She was well attended by a legend of friends and angels who cheered her on and lent their constant support and love. So in a very real way, this journey has been the journey of many. This is why I began writing about this experience.

I hope that you have found hope in this and that if ever you should face what seems an insurmountable task, this tale of this journey will give you the hope and courage you need to do what must be done. Watch in the weeks ahead for one last post to complete this tale.

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