Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Aftermath, Finale: An Epic Hero's Journey: The Determined Storyteller in the Battle against the Cave Monster

The Determined Storyteller (aka me) are still undergoing cancer treatments as I write this, but our transformation came earlier than expected. Here is the story of today's remarkable miracle, the only thing I know to call it.

The sweetest kiss I can think of is a gentle kiss on the forehead.

With everything that has happened to me, from losing my old dog in September to my parents in December and March, being diagnosed with breast cancer and cruelly treated by my family, I lost my sense of self. I knew myself very well before, but since all of this began I have had no idea of who I am and what I am supposed to do.

Each thing that has happened has been like one more piece of me being stripped away until I was naked and raw. It was painful but I knew a transformation would come, I knew that but I expected it to take years. Yet a few simple kind words from a fellow patient at the hospital today changed everything.

I won’t share what she said because that would seem like bragging, rather I want to express what her words meant to me.

All the hurt and pain was washed away when she spoke. It was as if God kissed the forehead of my soul. Thanks to her, I have found my way back home to me.

I’m still not sure what I am supposed to do with all of this, except that I am changed and I am whole again even though I still have a long road to travel.

As with Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings, I am now clothed in metaphorical robes of white light. And ready to look at who I have become.

Thank you my dear friend, whose name I don’t even know. You did so much for me today and I wish you blessings in great abundance for it.

They say we should be kind to strangers for we never know when we might be in the presence of angels. You are an angel and I thank God for sending you to me.


  1. Lorna, it is amazing where we find these angels in our lives. I was too stripped of all that was me. And then I "met" my stranger-angel. She is a beautiful woman that has fought and struggled with life just as much as I. But the person that she has been to me, and been to all of us (while struggling herself) will never be forgotten. So while you are thanking God for your angel Miss Lorna I am thanking God for mine. You are truly an inspring wonderful woman that has helped me see that life is a gift in all of its flawed beauty. Thank You Angel <3

  2. Lorna...you are one amazing woman...you've brought me to tears. I only hope that I can be as brave a woman you are one day. What an inspiration you are to me. Maybe you are my angel. God Bless you>

  3. Lorna, You have written me such kind notes on Facebook and I thank you for them. I often miss some things you have posted because evidently we go on-line at different times of the day, among other reasons I'm sure. I've only now put together the fact you are receiving cancer treatments and I sincerely wish you continued persistence, strength, much hope, and many angels. Mimi Rockwell

  4. My dearest friend. You have gone through so much within the last year. You are someone I truly value and love in my life and I am thankful that I have you in my life. You are an inspiration to all. My the healing process continue in your life my dearest friend. I miss seeing you at conferences, but know that we share a special bond that time and place will never sever. Love to you and Thomas.


  5. You are a phenomenal woman, and it does my heart glad that this angel has given you what you had stipped away. Love and hugs as always for your brave and steady fight against the nasty hurts life has thrown your way this year.

  6. P.S. Anonymous is me, Trisha....I haven't tried this before
