Sunday, May 2, 2010

My piece of Bayeux Tapestry

Some of you asked to see my piece of Bayeux Tapestry. Sorry this took so long and sorry it is so wrinkled right now. This is a hand drawn and embroidered copy of one portion of the tapestry. I've been working on it for over ten years but only because I don't have time to do it everyday. It is actually more like 100 plus hours. You can see I am still working on two figures.

The real tapestry was done on linen with wool thread. Mine is all cotton because that is what I had when I started as a demonstration for some children whose eyes glazed over when I mentioned embroidery. This section should have a border which I did not use and because it is hand drawn the proportions are off. The colors and stitch are as close as I could get using a picture from a book.

I doubt that many of today's children know how to embroider. I began when I was a little girl as my mother embroidered. I do know that many children knit these days, something I regretfully did not take time to learn from Mom.

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