Saturday, May 15, 2010


A little longer to travel through this journey that began in January. The Determined Storyteller and I are in the final phases of our transformation and uncertain who we have become or what will become of us.

The only way to find out is to step back from self, to view the soul at a distance, and let go of ego while remaining grounded. It takes fearlessness, patience, trust, hope, and belief to do this.

Fearlessness: to face the true self.

Patience: to know that all is not revealed at once but slowly over time.

Trust: that a higher power is guiding you and you will not falter.

Hope: that what you will be is better and stronger that what you once were.

Belief: that this is where you were meant to come and be. It began the day you were born and now you have arrived.

And most important, you are not meant to stay in this place either, there is yet another journey you will take. Do not become so attached to this new self, this new ego, for someday it too will slough away and another self will emerge. Our souls are in a constant cycle of birth and death until the time they are released to travel home again.

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