Thursday, March 18, 2010

Aftermath, Part II: An Epic Hero's Journey: The Determined Storyteller in the Battle against the Cave Monster

The Determined Storyteller stood with the healer, Edge, gazing into the crystal pool of seeing. Edge waved his hand above the waters.

"DS, I see no other monsters in this cave. We slew the one and it had no seeds, but we can never be certain."
"What does this mean?" asked our inquisitive heroine.
"You must endure lightening strikes DS but you may choose whether you wish to walk through fire."
"Why healer? Why would I choose to walk through fire if I do not have to?"

Edge waved his hand once more over the water and the DS saw a monster much like the one she had slain with Edge’s help.

"Sometimes this creature will replicate itself and live elsewhere. But DS, the chance is very small that you will see it again."

The Determined Storyteller understood.

Should she endure fire and lightening to make sure that she is truly rid of this monster? Or should she choose the lightening alone?

As she contemplated this she heard a voice inside her head, "We are given choices and journeys for a reason. You must figure out why you have been given this task."

Will the Determined Storyteller endure both fire and lightening, or will she choose only the one? Stay tuned for the next episode in the Aftermath.


  1. Best wishes as you make your choices and walk on to recovery.

  2. This sounds like excellent news, choices notwithstanding. Yippee!!
