Sunday, March 28, 2010

As things get back to normal, sort of.

What a wonderful weekend! The site for the Ice Dragon event was the armory on Connecticut Street in Buffalo, a castle! Congratulations to the event coordinators. That was a lot of work and it all seemed to go very very smoothly. If there were glitches, we didn't see them and that is a tribute too. When the hosts can weave magic for the guests and the guests never see the seams of the tapestry as they move through it, that is success.

I loved meeting some of you for the first time and seeing others I know very well. Thanks for visiting my merchant booth and giving me all those lovely hugs and sweet smiles. Sales were down this year but we paid for the space and made enough to purchase more lovely things for Pennsic.

We had a great time housing guests. They bought us pizza last night and we cooked them a nice little scamble this morning. They are on the road toward home and we are tidying up. Unlike the past several weeks, things are laid back. I even got to plant my windowsill herb garden that Thomas gave me for Christmas. It was so refreshing to get my hands in the dirt.

Now Kashka kitty can come out from hiding, the sun is breaking through the clouds, and we feel alive. Really, could we ask for more than that?

While the road ahead is still very long, the journey is so much easier because you are traveling by our sides.
Love to all!

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